
Archive for August 18th, 2011

Ha, catchy title, right? I got you there. 😉

Now, isn’t it time for me to put some focus on food?

I know, it seem counterproductive to write about food when food seems to be a problem for people like me. But there is just no way to take food out of my life, not because I don’t want to take it out but because it is basically not possible. The human body has to process food in order to keep going so food is a must.

Yet, I want to start putting some focus on food. Food might be the problem but I believe it can also be the solution.

We have been so overdosed on fast food and bad food altogether. Just turn on the TV and I bet it will not take longer than two minutes for a commercial to start which is trying to grab you with something that is not healthy!!

Anyway, if bad food is the problem and food can not be avoided then, healthy food is the solution.

Saturday I mixed up a smoothie (cooking and Janet haven’t been able to meet eye to eye it seems) with buttermilk, bananas and red currant. I am trying to change my eating habits to stuff that is good and filling.

Yes I know, I start with a smoothie !! 🙂

At the moment I drink HerbaLife protein shakes twice a day and I have one normal meal. The shakes keep you filled but I don’t want to do that for the rest of my life so I have to start looking for healthy/normal substitutes in the long run.

So here you go, Saturdays smoothie.

I chose to prepare a buttermilk based smoothie and used 500 ml (about two cups I guess)

 I added one ripe banana, cut into pieces

Then I added a hand full of red currant 

 I added two spoons full of instant oatmeal and two small spoons full of sugar since I didn’t have honey.

Then I used the blender to mix it up

Voila, the final result.

The amount of smoothie I got, lasted for two days. The taste was nice, though it was a little bit too much on the buttermilky side, maybe I should use 1/2 buttermilk and 1/2 skimmed milk the next time. Also I should add more bananas. Usually I can’t eat bananas because my stomach can’t digest it, it gives me a terrible stomach-ache, yet in this blended form it actually worked. YAY!! Bananas are great. Love them. 😉 It had just a touch of sweetness and kept me satisfied for approx. 3-4 hours.

I will most certainly experiment with smoothies a little more. I will try to make a veggie smoothie this weekend. Sunday it is, since I have to be at the flea market on Saturday for the entire day.

Oh, by the way, I met Jeffrey again this morning since I went to the gym, yes I did. Harun that bet is gonna kill you my dear friend!! 😀 I shall chew on your bones…*lol* I did another 32 minutes at 5 km/h and burned 370 calories, the same as yesterday.

Oh I am so fired up at the moment, now the only thing missing is those numbers going down.

All is well…

AND today’s happy song is from Seed – “Release”

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